Saturday, September 12, 2009

Episode #14 -- It's been a week...

since I returned home from Africa... and this week has been a blur!

I started the week by spending my first day back at work on Tuesday driving to Indianapolis for an I-69 meeting... not quite what you'd call "easing back into it"... on the road before 8 a.m. and back home well after dark!

On Wednesday, I spent the day attempting to ease back in... but everyone wanted a piece of my time to bring me up to speed on what happened on I-69 while I was gone...

We also had our monthly Thought Provoking Book Club meeting on Wednesday during lunch, where we were discussing Rob Bell's book, Velvet Elvis -- Repainting the Christian Faith... a rather interesting book -- Bell comes at faith in God from a very different perspective than most Christians...

In one part of the book, though, Bell talks about missions, missionaries and a different perspective -- so the question was posed to me during the meeting about what my perspective was when I left for Africa and whether I felt like I was "taking" the Gospel to East Africa. What a great opportunity to share my experience!

I told the group that, based on advice from several different people, I attempted to leave for Africa with few expectations as to what I would experience -- which is totally out of character for "this engineer" -- but, I desired to be open to what the Lord wanted me to show me and what He wanted me to do about it... In Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell suggests there is a different approach for missions work where "the issue isn't so much taking Jesus to people who don't have him, but going to a place and pointing out to the people there the creative, life-giving God who is already present in their midst." I said to the group that was exactly what I experienced on this trip -- as Bell describes it, the "depth and texture and connection" of our creative and awesome Lord amongst the people of East Africa! I saw God at work in the lives and the hearts of the people that I met there!

Another person then asked what I would take away from the trip spiritually, and I explained to them that I have a hard time just "going with the flow" -- I like to have things planned out and know exactly what I'm striving to accomplish -- you know, goals and objectives for everything... on this trip, though, our schedule was "sketchy" and not highly structured, therefore, I had to learn to simply rely on God and place my trust in Him that He would direct my thoughts, my words, my steps, my actions... everything! Essentially, what I took away was what means to live in His presence moment-to-moment, hour-to-hour, day-to-day... Everything that I did and experienced was totally new and, most of the time, overwhelming! But, God made himself readily apparent throughout all of the trip!

The rest of the week I spent working very, very hard to complete a supplemental agreement for our I-69 project, and coordinating with everyone that needed to provide input on it...

And with that, I'm back to the question I posed last week... So, now what?

I pray that the Lord will reveal to me the direction or directions that He would have me go in the aftermath of this adventure... wherever, He may lead me!


  1. I really like Rob Bell's approach, but then again I've slowly changed my mainstream thinking, and probably would be considered a little "out there" by traditional Christians. That's okay though, because I have a very creative mind and can easily see things from another perspective. A perspective which has brought me for the last couple of years to the same question you pose., now what?

    I tend to complicate things. Overthink things. Let my fears take control. When the call really is quite simple. I've been praying to overcome these things though and that God will reveal to me what He wants (not what I want), and I'm getting closer to the so when, instead of the what. Does that make sense?

  2. Hey, Cynthia! I'm sorry that I didn't see your comment until just now! I'm in the process of putting together a Powerpoint in order to share my experience with friends and others at work, at church, etc. and just noticed that you had commented on my last post...

    I believe that you and I probably think very much alike in this regard -- I had a friend from church comment to me the other day that I probably don't really fit in with the conservative Christians at our church, because of some of the stuff the I listen to and read... besides Rob Bell's book, I also just finished reading Donald Miller's book "Searching for God Knows What", as well as just finished listening to one of Erwin McManus' sermon series on my MP3 player... each of them are pushing conservative, comfortable Christians to get out of the pew and discover God's call on their lives.

    Honestly, I'm kind of stuck between "so, what now?" and "so, when do I pull the trigger?" I read something not too long ago called "Should I stay or should I go?" where the writer was sharing a conversation that he had with a friend where the writer said “You know, I trust God completely with my life, but I don’t trust Him with my family. Personally, I will walk wherever He leads, but taking my family there is another matter. I still feel that I need to have everything figured out so that I can take care of them and protect them...” that hit a little too close to home for me... and I've had to repeatedly pray for God to forgive my desire to control things and to

    Here's the deal -- you pray for me and I'll pray for you... and perhaps we'll see God do great things through each of us... stay in touch!
